Frequently Asked Questions

What's with the comments? Isn't this a job board? is a job board with a twist. You can comment on postings themselves, on company pages, even on blog posts. Actually the only thing you can't comment on are the FAQ entries like this one.

Are you planning to add more search criteria to the board?

Not at this moment. If you find the search to be lacking, let us know though. We are definitely open to suggestions!

Can I use the website if I don't have a Github account?

At the moment registration is restricted to Github account owners. If you don't have a Github account and would like to register with rustyjobs anyway, contact us directly — we should be able to help arrange this.

Can I get a daily or weekly digest of all the new Rust jobs straight to my mailbox?

Why of course! Navigate to settings and then mailing. You'll need to create an account first, if you haven't already.

I see my company's job posting on this website and I don't like it. Should I ask you to remove it?

When cross-posting the job to rustyjobs it's required to include recruiters email. This way we email the recruiter straight away with the link to potentially remove the posting from our website if they don't want it here. If that process didn't catch your undesiredly cross-posted job, please contact us directly.

I can't find an answer to my question here

If you have a pressing question related to how we operate or otherwise would like to provide feedback, feel free to contact us directly.